[10] Brima, Yusuf, Marcellin Atemkeng, Stive Tankio Djiokap, Jaures Ebiele, and Franklin Tchakounté: Transfer
Learning for the Detection and Diagnosis of Types of Pneumonia including Pneumonia Induced by COVID-19
from Chest X-ray Images. Diagnostics, 2021, 11(8): 1480. https://doi.org/10.3390/diagnostics11081480
[11] Franklin Tchakounte, Jim Carlson Teukeng Ngnintedem, Irepran Damakoa, Faissal Ahmadou, Franck Arnaud
Kuate Fotso, Crawl-shing: A Focused Crawler for Fetching Phishing Contents based on Graph Isomorphism.
Journal of King Saud University - Computer and Information Sciences, 2021. ISSN 1319-1578,
For other publication details, please refer to my Google scholar page.
I have been involved in several conferences (2016: Conference on Informatics and Systems (INFOS), 2019: IEEE
International Conference on Natural and Engineering Sciences for Sahel's Sustainable Development) as reviewer. Since
2017, I serve as volunteer reviewer in IEEE Access, IEEE Journal on Emerging and Selected Topics in Circuits and
Systems and AFRICOMM, ICOFLAS, JOECR, JPRI, African Conference on Information Systems and Technology, IEEE
International Conference on Electrical, Computer, Communications, and Mechatronics Engineering (ICECCME 2021).
EAI AFRICOMM 2021 - TPC member; International Conference on Computer Science, Electronics and Industrial
Engineering (CSEI 2022) - Scientific committee member. I serve as external examiner of Master proposal at British
University in Egypt. I gave a lecture at Summer Institute in Computational Social Science
(https://sicss.io/2022/jias/people), Mathematical and Statistical Methods for Data Sciences School (CIMPA 2022) -
participant, IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) 2022 - participant. Chair of the first
International Conference on Safe, Secure, Ethical, Responsible Technologies and Emerging Applications (EAI SAFER-
TEA 2023 – to come). Editor of the upcoming IGI book entitled: Global Perspectives on the Applications of Computer
Vision in Cybersecurity.
Main: MSc. (2010, University of Ngaoundéré, Cameroon), PhD (2015, University of Bremen, Germany)
Complementary Trainings: Professional research, research writing (AuthorAid)
Certifications: CCNA(CISCO), LPI1(LPI), SuSe, ITE INSTRUCTOR (CISCO), AI Strategy and Governance, Digital
Transformation (University of Virginia, BCG), Introduction to cybersecurity tools & cyberattacks (IBM), AI Strategy and
Governance (University of Pennsylvania), Introduction to Cybersecurity (CISCO Networking Academy)
I have been involved in international projects as leader and member: Internet health: speed, affordability, and safety
(F.A.S.T Africa WWW, 2016 – as leader), mentoring (Google Summer of Code, 2016 – as mentor), Improvement of
teaching through blended learning (BMBF, 2011-2013 – as scientific assistant), professionalization of doctoral students
(TCEP-E2D, 2015-2016 – as computer scientist). I am involved in designing and deploying MOOC for Africa universities
(REAMOOC, 2017-). I and my research group put in place an online learning of cybersecurity
Fellowships: Mobility fellowship: Ministry of Higher Education Cameroon (2015), DAAD Staff Exchange Fellowships in
Sub-Saharan-Africa (2021), F.A.S.T project grant (2016), 2021 class EAI senior member award (2022), Research Fellow
Cyber Defense Africa Forum, Cameroonian Representative RAIN-Africa, Re
I am an Associate Professor and researcher in computer science with more than 10 years of experience in
cybersecurity and data intelligence theories with a strong background in distributed systems. He received his M.Sc. in
Computer engineering from the University of Ngaoundere (Cameroon, 2010) and then his Ph.D. degree in Mobile
Security from the University of Bremen (Germany, 2015). I own several certifications in network and system