Pr.-Dr.-Ing. Franklin Tchakounté
Associate Professor in Computer Science, University of Ngaoundéré Cameroon
Tel: +237 696 56 57 67, Email: f.tchakounte@egcim-univ-ndere.cm, Po.Box 454, Cameroon
Married, three children
Extremely open to collaboration and overseas community engagement
Chair of “Cyber Security with Computational and Artificial Intelligence (CyComAI)” Group
ORCID: 0000-0003-0723-2640
6 months Visiting Professor, Department of Mathematics, University of Rhodes, South Africa
General Chair of the First Edition of International Conference on Safe, Secure, Ethical,
Responsible Technologies and Emerging Applications (EAI SAFER-TEA) (To come in 2023)
Cameroonian Representative RAIN-AFRICA
Research Fellow Cyber Defense Africa Forum
1. RESEARCH INTERESTS (but not limited to): Cyber Security - Artificial Intelligence (AI) AI/Digital Governance
Our projects include: (1) detection of misinformation, (2) detection of social engineering attacks, (3) detection of Android
malware (4) detection of vulnerabilities and WSN security. (5) Reinforcement learning based Identification of phishers
through biological voice features. Throughout the research process, we exploit mathematical concepts about
steganography, game theory, Markov chains, and graph theory. I have supervised so far more than 30 (inter-) national
Master students and currently co-supervise 10+ Ph.D. students. The different projects are available at
https://cycomai.com/projects.html and subjects are available at https://cycomai.com/supervision.html.
2. SELECTED PUBLICATIONS (22 publications, H-Index 7, 195 citations 13.01.2023)
[1] Franklin Tchakounté, Francois Hayata 2016. Supervised Learning Based Detection of Malware on Android, in
Mobile Security and Privacy, Man Ho Au, Kim-Kwang Raymond Choo, Syngress, Elsevier. 2016.
[2] Tchakounté, F.; Faissal, A.; Atemkeng, M.; Ntyam, A.: A Reliable Weighting Scheme for the Aggregation of
Crowd Intelligence to Detect Fake News. Information 11, 319. 2020
[3] Tchakounté, F.; Yera Pagor, A.E.; Kamgang, J.C.; Atemkeng, M.: CIAA-RepDroid: A Fine-Grained and
Probabilistic Reputation Scheme for Android Apps Based on Sentiment Analysis of Reviews. Future Internet, 12,
145. 2020
[4] Franklin Tchakounté, Priva Chassem Kamdem, Jean Claude Kamgang, Hortense Boudjou Tchapgnouo, Marcellin
Atemkeng : An Efficient DCT-SVD Steganographic Approach Applied to JPEG Images. EAI Endorsed Transactions
on Industrial Networks and Intelligent Systems 2020. DOI 10.4108/eai.28-9-2020.166365
[5] Franklin Tchakounté, Calvin Koudanbe Amadou, Ado Adamou Abba Ari, David Jaures Fotsa Mbogne: A smart
contract logic to reduce hoax propagation across social media. Journal of King Saud University - Computer and
Information Sciences. Elsevier 2020
[6] Franklin Tchakounte, Virgile Simé Nyassi, Duplex Elvis Houpa Danga, Kalum Priyanath Udagepola, Marcellin
Atemkeng: A Game Theoretical Model for Anticipating Email Spear-Phishing Strategies. EAI Endorsed
Transactions on Scalable Information Systems, 2020. DOI: 10.4108/eai.26-5-2020.166354
[7] Tchakounté, F., Ngassi, R.C.N., Kamla, V.C., KP Udagepola: LimonDroid: a system coupling three signature-
based schemes for profiling Android malware. Iran J Comput Sci, Springer (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s42044-
[8] Franklin Tchakounté, Djeguedem Molengar, Justin Moskolaï Ngossaha. A Description Logic Ontology for Email
Phishing. International Journal of Information Security Science, vol. 9, No.1, pp.44-63 2020
[9] Franklin Tchakounte, Michael Nakoe, Blaise Omer Yenke, Kalum Priyanath Udagepola: Recognizing Illegitimate
Access Points Based on Static Features: a Case Study in a Campus Wifi Network. International Journal of Cyber-
Security and Digital Forensics, 2019 8(4): 279-291
[10] Brima, Yusuf, Marcellin Atemkeng, Stive Tankio Djiokap, Jaures Ebiele, and Franklin Tchakounté: Transfer
Learning for the Detection and Diagnosis of Types of Pneumonia including Pneumonia Induced by COVID-19
from Chest X-ray Images. Diagnostics, 2021, 11(8): 1480. https://doi.org/10.3390/diagnostics11081480
[11] Franklin Tchakounte, Jim Carlson Teukeng Ngnintedem, Irepran Damakoa, Faissal Ahmadou, Franck Arnaud
Kuate Fotso, Crawl-shing: A Focused Crawler for Fetching Phishing Contents based on Graph Isomorphism.
Journal of King Saud University - Computer and Information Sciences, 2021. ISSN 1319-1578,
For other publication details, please refer to my Google scholar page.
I have been involved in several conferences (2016: Conference on Informatics and Systems (INFOS), 2019: IEEE
International Conference on Natural and Engineering Sciences for Sahel's Sustainable Development) as reviewer. Since
2017, I serve as volunteer reviewer in IEEE Access, IEEE Journal on Emerging and Selected Topics in Circuits and
Systems and AFRICOMM, ICOFLAS, JOECR, JPRI, African Conference on Information Systems and Technology, IEEE
International Conference on Electrical, Computer, Communications, and Mechatronics Engineering (ICECCME 2021).
EAI AFRICOMM 2021 - TPC member; International Conference on Computer Science, Electronics and Industrial
Engineering (CSEI 2022) - Scientific committee member. I serve as external examiner of Master proposal at British
University in Egypt. I gave a lecture at Summer Institute in Computational Social Science
(https://sicss.io/2022/jias/people), Mathematical and Statistical Methods for Data Sciences School (CIMPA 2022) -
participant, IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) 2022 - participant. Chair of the first
International Conference on Safe, Secure, Ethical, Responsible Technologies and Emerging Applications (EAI SAFER-
TEA 2023 to come). Editor of the upcoming IGI book entitled: Global Perspectives on the Applications of Computer
Vision in Cybersecurity.
Main: MSc. (2010, University of Ngaoundéré, Cameroon), PhD (2015, University of Bremen, Germany)
Complementary Trainings: Professional research, research writing (AuthorAid)
Certifications: CCNA(CISCO), LPI1(LPI), SuSe, ITE INSTRUCTOR (CISCO), AI Strategy and Governance, Digital
Transformation (University of Virginia, BCG), Introduction to cybersecurity tools & cyberattacks (IBM), AI Strategy and
Governance (University of Pennsylvania), Introduction to Cybersecurity (CISCO Networking Academy)
I have been involved in international projects as leader and member: Internet health: speed, affordability, and safety
(F.A.S.T Africa WWW, 2016 as leader), mentoring (Google Summer of Code, 2016 as mentor), Improvement of
teaching through blended learning (BMBF, 2011-2013 as scientific assistant), professionalization of doctoral students
(TCEP-E2D, 2015-2016 as computer scientist). I am involved in designing and deploying MOOC for Africa universities
(REAMOOC, 2017-). I and my research group put in place an online learning of cybersecurity
Fellowships: Mobility fellowship: Ministry of Higher Education Cameroon (2015), DAAD Staff Exchange Fellowships in
Sub-Saharan-Africa (2021), F.A.S.T project grant (2016), 2021 class EAI senior member award (2022), Research Fellow
Cyber Defense Africa Forum, Cameroonian Representative RAIN-Africa, Re
I am an Associate Professor and researcher in computer science with more than 10 years of experience in
cybersecurity and data intelligence theories with a strong background in distributed systems. He received his M.Sc. in
Computer engineering from the University of Ngaoundere (Cameroon, 2010) and then his Ph.D. degree in Mobile
Security from the University of Bremen (Germany, 2015). I own several certifications in network and system
administration including SuSe, CCNA, LPI, IBM/CISCO cybersecurity, Digital Transformation, and AI strategy &
governance. He authored books, book chapters, and several research papers in the area of cyber security. I am the
founder of the Cybersecurity with Computational and Artificial Intelligence (CyComAI, www.cycomai.com) company. He
is a fellow of DAAD Staff Exchange in Sub-Saharan Africa, Research Mobility grants in the Ministry of Higher Education
in Cameroon, and the WebWeWant F.A.S.T project. Devoted to volunteering in journal and conference scientific duties, I
am currently a (senior) member of numerous societies: EAI, ISOC SIG Cybersecurity, ISOC SIG Cybersecurity Training
and Education, Research Data Alliance (RDA) and Africa Association of Entrepreneurs (AAE). I am currently the
Cameroonian representative of Responsibility in AI in Africa (RAIN) and his interests include cyber security and
artificial/digital intelligence. For now, I propose strategies for digital governance and transformations and I am active to
design responsible AI security tools relying on the collective intelligence from social technologies around people. Since
2017, I am responsible for distant learning, dealing with tasks related to (1) train lecturers about designing online
courses (2) ensuring the well-functioning of online systems put in place.
(1) President of the Association of Mathematicians and Computer Scientists Graduated at the University of Ngaoundéré
(2) Manager of GDG (Google Developer Group), Ngaoundéré (2013-2014)
(3) Member of Chapter of Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, University of Ngaoundéré (Since 2013)
(4) Member of AuthorAid (https://www.authoraid.info) (Since 2016)
(5) Leader Open Web Application Security Program Community (OWASP) / Ngaoundéré Chapter (Since 2016)
(6) Professional member - Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) (2016-2017)
(7) Member - Academics Without Borders (AWB) (2017-2018)
(8) Member Internet Society (ISOC) (Since 2015)
(9) Senior member European Alliance for Innovation (EAI)
(10) Member ISOC Special Interest Group Cybersecurity (Since 2021)
(11) Member ISOC Special Interest Group Cybersecurity Training and Education (Since 2022)
(12) Cameroon Representative of Responsible Artificial Intelligence for Africa (RAIN) (Since 2022)
(13) Member Research Data Alliance (www.rd-alliance.org), Africa Association of Entrepreneurs (AAE) (Since 2022)
(14) African Scientists Directory (https://africanscientists.africa/) (Since 2022)
(15) International association for the engineers and the computer scientists (IAENG) societies (http://www.iaeng.org/)
Main lectures (Home University: University of Ngaoundéré) (since 2011-)
Data science (Master), Security in networks and systems (Master), Parallel programming (Master), Formal verification
(Master), Object Oriented Programming (Bachelor), Mobile Operating Systems (Bachelor), Computer Architecture
(Bachelor), System and Network Administration (Bachelor)
Visiting professor
South Africa (2021-)
University of Rhodes: Duties: Lecture: Mathematical programming, Participation in research seminars, Designing
collaborative projects. Contact person: Marcellin Atemkeng m.atemkeng@gmail.com
Burkina Faso (2019-):
1) Higher School of Computer Science, University of Nazi Boni. Lectures: Audit of system and network security,
cybersecurity (Master) Contact person: Prof Yélémou Tiguiane tyelemou@univ-bobo.bf
2) IBAM. Lectures: Cybersecurity (Master) Contact person: Dr Dimitri Ouattara j.s.dimitri.ouattara@gmail.com
3) Expert consultant for research activities - University of Nazi Boni & University Aube Nouvelle
Cameroon (2017 -):
1) Business and Engineering School, Douala (2017-2018) Lecture: Distributed System (Master) Contact person: Mr.
Aboubakar Sidiki asidiki@ime-school.com
2) Saint Jerome Catholic University (2018-), Douala Lectures: Decision making systems, artificial intelligence,
advanced operational research (Master) Contact person: Mr Martial Tekinzang tekinzang@yahoo.fr
3) AIMS Cameroon, Limbe (2018-) Research activities contact person: Pr Mama Foupouagnigni
4) National Polytechnic School of Maroua, Maroua (2018-) Lectures: Cybersecurity, Distributed systems (Master)
Contact person: Dr Kaladzavi Guidedi kaladzavi@fs.univ-maroua.cm
5) Higher School of Trainers, Bertoua (2020, -) Lectures: System and Network Administration, Cybersecurity
(Bachelor) Contact person: M. Romain Atangana, azongmeromain@gmail.com
AUF.CNF Contact person, M. Gaetan Efouba, izanefg@gmail.com
Senior trainer
07/10/2013 au 16/10/2013 : Management of online research writing and publishing
05/11/2015 au 07/11/2015: Scientific writing with LyX and Mendeley
29/06/2016 au 02/07/2016 : Advanced usage of scientific editing tools Lyx and Mendeley
(1) Pr. Tiguiane Yélémou, Director of Higher School of Computer Science, University of Nazi Boni, Bobbo Dioulasso,
Burkina Faso tyelemou@univ-bobo.bf
(2) Dr Jean Serge Dimitri Ouattara, Institute Burkinabè des Arts et des Métiers (IBAM), University of Ouaga 1, Burkina
Faso j.s.dimitri.ouattara@gmail.com
(3) Dr Marcellin Atemkeng, Coordinator Rhodes Artificial Intelligence Research Group (RAIRG), Department of
Mathematics, Rhodes University, m.atemkeng@gmail.com
(4) Pr. Samy Ghoniemy, Vice Dean, Postgraduate Studies and Research, Faculty of Informatics and Computer Science
of the British University in Egypt (BUE), Sherouk City, Cairo, Egypt samy.ghoniemy@bue.edu.eg
(5) Pr. Kalum Priyanath Udagepola, Director/Senior Principal Research Fellow, Department of Information and
Computing Sciences, Scientific Research Development Institute of Technology Australia Scientific Research
Development Institute of Technology Australia kalumu@srdita.com.au
(6) Dr Claude Fachkha. Assistant professor, New York University Abu Dhabi, University of Dubai and Concordia
University (Canada), UAE claude.fachkha@gmail.com
(7) Emmanuelle LINGO, Chargée de mission AFRIA - Francophone Agency for Artificial Intelligence,
The collaborations details are available are https://cycomai.com/collaborations.html.
1. Project about detection of fake news and professional exchange at the University of Rhodes, South Africa. Funded by
DAAD, 2022
2. Organization of international conference SAFER-TEA, https://safertea.eai-conferences.org/2023/. Funded by
European Alliance for Innovation 2022
(1) Pr. Kalum Priyanath Udagepola, Director/Senior Principal Research Fellow, Department of Information and
Computing Sciences, Scientific Research Development Institute of Technology Australia Scientific Research
Development Institute of Technology Australia kalumu@srdita.com.au
(2) Pr. Samy Ghoniemy, Vice Dean, Postgraduate Studies and Research, Faculty of Informatics and Computer Science,
The British University in Egypt (BUE), Sherouk City, Cairo, Egypt. Email: samy.ghoniemy@bue.edu.eg
(3) Pr. Achille Ntyam, Director of studies, Higher Teacher Training College, University of Yaoundé I,
(4) Pr. Daniel Tieudjo, Director of the AIMS Teacher Training Program in Cameroon, tieudjo@yahoo.com
(5) Dr. Marcellin Atemkeng, Rhodes University, m.atemkeng@ru.ac.za, m.atemkeng@gmail.com
(6) Claude Fachkha, University of Dubai (UAE), New York University Abu Dhabi (UAE), and Concordia University
(Canada), claude.fachkha@gmail.com
‘’ Feel free to contact me if you are interested to work with me. I am Thirsty of collaborations and I am
Hungry of quality in research for Africa.’’