Research areas

IDENTIFICATION OF SOCIAL ENGINEERING ATTACKS T1.1: Extraction and structuring of semantics related to phishing techniques
T1.2: Characterisation of cyber scam techniques based on reinforcement learning and game theory
T1.3: Investigation of deep learning techniques for phishing detection
T1.4: Educational approaches to improve learning and prevent victimisation.
T1.5: Profiling cyber scams using biometric trait recognition (emotions)
FIGHT AGAINST FALSE INFORMATION T2.1: Collaborative expertise for the verification of information
T2.2: Assessing the trend of information on the Web
T2.3: Reducing the spread of false information in social networks
T2.4 : Detection of fake documents based on graph theory structures
CYBER RESILIENCE IoT ENVIRONMENTS T3.1: Detection of malicious applications in mobile OS
T3.2: Detect and fix software vulnerabilities
T3.3: Generation and structuring of knowledge base on attacks in IoT for their detection.
T3.4: Automation of nodes in decision making in IoT
T 3.5 : Security robustness based on blockchains

We are still open for more collaborations…